The African ecosystem, pre-seed and seed funding are not sufficient and the support mechanisms are not suited to the expectations and needs of early stage startups with high growth potential. Angels4Africa was created on June 26, 2019 to bring a break in methods, it is a network made by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

Today, Angels4Africa has more than 50 business angels only experienced entrepreneurs who are themselves former startuppers who have been successful and who know the obstacle course of a startup. The diversity of investors' backgrounds (heads of multinationals, large Moroccan companies, start-ups with success stories and investment funds dedicated to seed funding) and the complementarity of the trades / sectors they represent (IT, Education, Media, E- Commerce, Finances, etc.) is the second element that makes this network so special.
Beyond financial support, business angels are ready to support the startups they believe in by opening their address books and giving them relevant advice for their growth.

Angels4Africa is a network that accompanies investors and startups from start to finish during all the important phases of their matching and deal process: sourcing, selection, risk assessment, due diligence, closing and post-investment follow-up. The objective is to facilitate the decision making process for both parties while relieving them of the administrative burden.

This is now one session per month where we present the 5 most promising African startups to our network of business angels. Interested startups are invited to apply for the program by filling out the necessary information via the following link: www.angels4africa.co so that we can assess the startup's ability to join one of our monthly sessions. To be eligible, the startup must demonstrate a significant competitive advantage, its solution must be deployed at least once at a client, it must have been in business for more than 6 months and have legal status. The selected startups, after a unique support made available to them on our LaStartupSchool tool, the startups pitch in front of the business angels with the objective of convincing them to become their allies and to finance their projects.

Through its African vision, Angels4Africa by LastartupFactory naturally resonates with the organization that carries it and its partners.