CIH Bank is the first company in Morocco to commit to supporting the young national innovation community! This support was realized through the joint implementation with LaStartupFactory and the Soft Centre of the CIH Open Innovation program in January 2017. The goal of this open entrepreneurial program was to have internal CIH teams collaborate with a talented external community (developers, designers, marketers and other young Moroccan entrepreneurs) in an environment conducive to innovation to bring out innovative and useful solutions for the banking sector!
Program Highlights:
- 500 applications of which only 60 were selected
- 34 project ideas pitched, 12 selected for the Hackathon and 5 projects selected for support.
- Of these 5 supported projects, all benefited from financial support from CIH Bank to develop and market their solutions!
The 12 projects selected to participate in the Hackathon, made up of various talents (developers, designers, marketers, etc.) worked in collaboration with CIH BANK's internal teams and LaStartupFactory in order to structure their projects on various technical, pedagogical and financial levels, responding as best as possible to the "customer" issues facing CIH BANK.

A most unprecedented final was held in June 2017 after many weeks of support for the 12 projects by LaStartupFactory and its coaches and mentors, and ended with a most creative and innovative prize list. 5 teams out of 12 pitched stood out during this grand final in front of a very demanding jury. The 5 winning teams benefited from different types of partnerships with CIH BANK in order to realize their projects and convert them from an idea to a concrete product.

The day after the "CIH Demo Day", a day dedicated to the presentation of innovative solutions developed by the winning entrepreneurs of the first CIH Open Innovation hackathon, here are some highlights on the 5 winning projects:
- CaronaeSystems
Solution allowing to digitize all the processes related to the banking operations concerning the emission and reception of checks!
Partnership mode retained: purchase order with the newly created startup
- Bankids
Kids and Teens" banking solution (account + card + mobile application) adapted to the whole family (parents, young people and children over 10 years old) to teach the basics of budget management in a fun way.
Partnership mode retained: pre-employment internships at CHI headquarters to work with internal teams on the project
- Mantssanach
Mobile application allowing CIH Bank customers to have, in advance, an estimate of the waiting time in nearby branches and to book in advance their visit to the bank according to the service requested!
Partnership mode : intrapreneurial project within CIH Bank headquarters (the Mantssanach project team is mainly composed of CIH executives)
- Bots Factory
Solution allowing CIH Bank customers (or anyone using the demo mode of the application) to chat with a virtual assistant who can answer most of the questions they will be asked!
Partnership mode selected: purchase order with the newly created startup
- CIH Bank Budget
Complete and integrated solution to solve the problem of efficient budget management for CIH customers.
Partnership mode retained: pre-employment internships at CHI headquarters to work with the internal teams on the realization of the project