As part of the digital response against the Covid-19 and at the initiative of the Maghreb Startup Network, LaStartupFactory (Morocco) co-organized with EY Tunisia and IncubMe (Algeria) a unique event "Covid-19 Maghreb Bootcamp" an intensive 3-day session to develop a proposal to respond to this crisis through technology.

The Maghreb region is full of talent and potential to fight this virus. The Covid-19 Maghreb Bootcamp was an unprecedented opportunity for everyone to participate in the fight against Covid-19.
In an open innovation approach, this bootcamp was dedicated to connecting B2B startups with large companies in the region to collaborate on solving their business challenges and preparing for the post-crisis period. 3 challenges were to be met:
- A challenge with an economic vocation:
This challenge consisted in the identification of solutions able to minimize the economic impact of the crisis caused by the COVID 19 by focusing on the sectors and/or categories of damaged companies. It will be solutions that can help the economic recovery, help SMEs or damaged sectors such as tourism ...
- A "solidarity economy" challenge:
The challenge consisted in identifying solutions to strengthen the role of solidarity economy actors such as micro-finance organizations, associations specialized in mutual aid.
- A resilience and prevention of new crises challenge:
The challenge consisted in taking a step back and analyzing the lessons that this epidemic teaches us about our world. The objective is to provide the Maghreb countries with solutions that will allow them to carry out a real watch, particularly in terms of health, or to optimize resources in the event of a future crisis.

The Bootcamp in a few figures :

- 14 clients onboarded and willing to commit.
- 16 startups mobilized.
- More than 20 meetings fixed.

At the end of the bootcamp, the high level displayed by the startups forced the jury to award 4 startups instead of the 3 startups initially planned. They are : AioxLabs from Morocco, ICompass from Tunisia, Makelti from Algeria and Speetar from Libya.
Find the solutions of the 4 winners below :
AIOX Labs: Click here
Speetar: Click here
Makelti: Click here
ICompass: Click here