The starting point of this program is a conviction shared by the Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau Potable (ONEE), a key player in the Moroccan energy sector, and the international cooperation agency "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH", which wishes to support Morocco in its energy transition and promote an ecosystem of innovative startups in the energy sector. Indeed, ONEE has always been committed to a policy of continuous improvement of its performance and openness to new technologies of innovation, R&D and digital transformation. Through the We Power Innovation program, the organizers have given themselves the means to achieve their ambitions. Indeed, the objective will be to mobilize during 72 hours internal collaborators and startups in order to accelerate the co-development of tools and innovative solutions to meet the various challenges identified below.

Deployed by LaStartupFactory on behalf of ONEE as part of its digital transformation program "WePowerInnovation", in association with the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and LaStartupFactory, initially attracted no less than 216 candidates, among whom 83 (38 internal collaborators and 45 external participants) were selected to take part in the Hackathon, which constitutes the 4th phase of this program.
Thus, 83 students, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, startups and employees of ONEE competed for 72 hours to propose innovative and cutting-edge and disruptive energy services with the objectives ;
- improvement of the quality of services
- customer satisfaction
- improving internal processes and promoting productivity, agility and sharing within ONEE

Throughout the competition, experts and mentors accompanied the participants during their reflections. At the end of these 72 hours punctuated by intense brainstorming sessions, studious development phases and short nights, 16 projects were presented to the jury composed of experts in the field including representatives of ONEE and GIZ.

The 5 winners of this first edition of the WePowerInnovation Hackathon won a 4-day Bootcamp at LaStartupFactory to accelerate their projects.

At the end of this program, the project Inarati (which proposes Smart Contract based on Blockchain) proposed by the startup SKWIQ was awarded during the Demo Day and was accompanied by LaStartupFactory to deploy its solution within ONEE.